by lindapowell | Oct 17, 2019 | Articles, In The News
Here are some things you might consider before saying goodbye to 2019 What has changed for you in 2019? Did you start a new job or leave a job behind? Did you retire? Did you start a family? If notable changes occurred in your personal or professional life,...
by lindapowell | Oct 11, 2019 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
The best Halloween I ever had was when I was 9 years old. I put together a costume at home probably inspired by a fairy tale. I was a hunter with bows and an arrow. I painted my face. My parents gave me instructions on how to stay safe. Most important of all, I...
by lindapowell | Sep 23, 2019 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
Remember Jack and the Beanstalk? Jack climbs the beanstalk, discovers the goose that lays the golden eggs, steals the goose, and escapes from the Giant who owns the goose. I bring this up because I think of companies a bit like organizations that manage geese. Each...
by lindapowell | Sep 9, 2019 | Articles, In The News
Some specifics about the “second act.” Does your vision of retirement align with the facts? Here are some noteworthy financial and lifestyle facts about life after 50 that might surprise you. Up to 85% of a retiree’s Social Security income can be taxed. Some...