Preparing to Retire Single

Unmarrieds need to approach retirement planning pragmatically. In an ideal world, it would be simple to prepare for a solo retirement. You would save half as much as a couple saves, buy half as much insurance coverage, and expect to live on half the income. Reality...

What’s in Your Closet?

A friend recently told me people often feel judged by their financial advisor. I don’t have any statistics, but I know I’m never keen to tell others about mistakes I’ve made in the past. Money is personal. It’s in the same category as sex and politics on the list of...

How Much Do You Know About Long Term Care?

Separating some eldercare facts from some eldercare myths How much does eldercare cost, and how do you arrange it when it is needed? The average person might have difficulty answering those two questions, for the answers are not widely known. For clarification, here...