by lindapowell | Jun 18, 2018 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
Maybe you’ve seen the new elevators that use touchscreens to call them. I got on one recently and there were no buttons inside. The elevator already knew the floor I needed to go to and it sent me there. I kind of miss the buttons. When it comes to new technology, I’m...
by lindapowell | Jun 14, 2018 | Articles, did you know, In The News
Amy Brandts, founding partner of Symphony Financial helped lead a grassroots effort on Capitol Hill highlighting the importance of Americans’ access to affordable, objective financial advice and the need to protect investors. Amy met with members of Congress and their...
by lindapowell | Jun 12, 2018 | Articles, Economic Updates
June 2018 THE MONTH IN BRIEF In May, investors were left to interpret mixed geopolitical and financial signals. The historic U.S.-North Korea summit was on, then off, then possibly on again. An apparent truce emerged in the U.S.-China tariffs battle, but it did not...
by lindapowell | May 11, 2018 | Articles, did you know, In The News
Amy Brandts, founding partner of Symphony Financial was recognized by her broker-dealer, Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. (Cambridge) to participate in Cambridge’s Signature Club conference at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, April 30 – May 3, 2018....
by lindapowell | May 11, 2018 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
Ok, so waking up late and running around like crazy isn’t fun. And most people don’t want to be perpetually late to appointments. Although I did hear that the actress Liz Taylor wrote in her will that her casket should arrive 15 minutes late to her own funeral. Sounds...