Is a Home an Investment?

From one perspective, the answer is yes; from another, no. When you buy a home, are you investing? If you buy it to flip it or buy it as a rental property, the answer is yes. If you buy a home simply to live in it, the answer may be no. Your home is an expression of...

My First Job

and What I’m Still Learning About Raspberry Picking Do you remember your first job? Mine was picking raspberries at the farm down the street from where we lived. Mrs. Linton owned the farm and was a tough supervisor. Raspberries are surprisingly hard to find on a...

September Economic Update

September 2017   THE MONTH IN BRIEF August brought an overwhelming natural disaster, a threat of war from a foreign dictator, and violence in the streets – so it is little wonder stocks went sideways. The S&P 500 eked out an advance of 0.05% for the month....

Financial Priorities for Young Families

Wise money moves for parents under 40 As you start a family, you start to think about certain financial matters. Before you became a mom or dad, you may not have thought about them much, but so much changes when you have kids. Parenting presents you with definite,...

The Power of Compound Interest

Everyone is told to save for retirement early. Everyone is told to save consistently. You may wonder: just what kind of difference might an early start and ongoing account contributions make? We’ll share some eye-opening numbers to show you (and you can verify them...