by lindapowell | Nov 2, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
November 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF Bulls were reined in during October. The S&P 500 lost 1.94% as Wall Street responded unenthusiastically to the fall earnings season. Even though much of the economic news that emerged in October was good, investors saw an interest...
by lindapowell | Nov 2, 2016 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
It goes without saying that this election year has been an experience. Now that the election is almost over, we can start to focus on other things. As I look back over the last several months, though, there is one question that came up more than others, “Should I make...
by lindapowell | Oct 13, 2016 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
I’d love to see the hit musical Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton is such an interesting character. He was born in the Caribbean out of wedlock, became an orphan, wasn’t known for getting along with others (see duel with Aaron Burr), and yet he had a huge influence on the...
by lindapowell | Oct 5, 2016 | Articles, In The News
The bank’s fake accounts come to light Since the start of this decade, Wells Fargo employees have created millions of fake bank and credit card accounts to meet their sales goals. While those deemed at fault are being punished, the question is whether the consequences...
by lindapowell | Oct 5, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
October 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF Investors had plenty of news to absorb in September: the latest monetary policy statement from the Federal Reserve, the Wells Fargo fiasco and the crisis involving Deutsche Bank, and a major deal forged between OPEC member...