by lindapowell | Aug 8, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
August 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF The post-Brexit bounce turned into a sustained rally across July. Second-quarter earnings were not as gloomy as anticipated, and core economic indicators often matched or surpassed expectations. Housing news was generally good,...
by lindapowell | Jul 13, 2016 | Articles, In The News
Some early financial behaviors may promote a comfortable future You know you should start saving for retirement before you turn 40. What can you start doing today to make that effort more productive, to improve your chances of ending up with more retirement...
by lindapowell | Jul 13, 2016 | Articles, In The News
Making things easier for your heirs Who wants to leave this world with their financial affairs in good order? We all do, right? None of us wants to leave a collection of financial mysteries for our spouse or our children to solve. What we want and what we do...
by lindapowell | Jul 7, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
July 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF In June, an overseas referendum affected American stocks more than any domestic event. The United Kingdom unexpectedly voted to leave the European Union, and news of the Brexit rocked financial markets worldwide. Even so, the...