by lindapowell | May 4, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
May 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF The S&P 500 managed to advance 0.27% in April as many companies beat earnings and revenue forecasts. Some important commodities posted remarkable monthly gains. Existing home sales rebounded, and manufacturing seemed to have recovered...
by lindapowell | Apr 18, 2016 | Articles, In The News
If you are between 40 & 60, beware of these financial blunders & assumptions Between the ages of 40 and 60, many people increase their commitment to investing and retirement saving. At the same time, many fall prey to some common money blunders and harbor...
by lindapowell | Apr 13, 2016 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
It’s that time of year when my car insurance renews. Funny that car insurance ads have become sort of running stories. There is Flo from Progressive and the Gecko from Geico. I don’t take my insurance cues from TV, but clients have asked me what they can do to manage...
by lindapowell | Apr 5, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
April 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF The bulls ran back to Wall Street in March; the Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 all gained more than 6% for the month, with the Dow and S&P returning to positive territory for the year. Oil prices continued to recover. The Federal...
by lindapowell | Mar 24, 2016 | Articles, Newsletters
Have you considered health insurance in your financial plan? Surprisingly the healthiest among us may have to save the most. Read about this and more in our March newsletter.