by lindapowell | Mar 14, 2016 | Articles, In The News
A catastrophic illness seems like a remote possibility to many of us; distant, decades away. As a result, that possibility may be overlooked in our financial planning. How much might health care cost you someday?
by lindapowell | Mar 10, 2016 | Articles, Economic Updates
March 2016 THE MONTH IN BRIEF After a miserable January, the Dow Jones Industrial Average managed to gain 0.30% in February. While stock markets around the world struggled to advance, gold and oil rallied to a remarkable degree. U.S. economic indicators...
by lindapowell | Mar 10, 2016 | Articles, Kristin's Chronicles
There are many factors that contribute to a wonderful life and we shouldn’t forget about them.
by lindapowell | Feb 29, 2016 | Articles, Newsletters
You should make sure you are invested in line with your risk profile. In our February newsletter, we tell you about a tool to help you figure out what your risk profile is. Also in this issue, what you need to know about Social Security changes.
by lindapowell | Feb 29, 2016 | Articles, Newsletters
There are powerful financial tools we can use to change our lives. Read about these in our January newsletter and see what you might do, or do differently, in 2016.
by lindapowell | Feb 11, 2016 | Kristin's Chronicles
Last fall, a late night budget deal included a few changes for Social Security. So what does it mean and do you need to worry about it? Read more here.